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《Frontiers in Materials》、《宁夏工程技术》副主编

《Current Nanoscience》和《Electronic Materials》编委

《NanoMaterials Science》和《Tungsten》青年编委


1. 永利集团“立德树人楷模 ” 2023年

2. 宁夏科技进步三等奖 2021年

3. 第二届宁夏创新争先奖2020年

4. 永利集团优秀研究生指导教师 2020年

5. 英国化学会优秀论文交流奖 2020年

6. 宁夏科技进步二等奖 2019年

7. 第十六届宁夏青年科技奖 2018年

8. 宁夏青年科技人才托举工程入选者2017年

9. 永利集团优秀科研工作者 2017年

10.宁夏“海外引才百人计划”入选者 2016年

11.中国侨联“创新人才奖” 2016年



1. 国家自然科学基金:金属-碳复合界面的构筑及其增强型电容去离子研究(2023.01-2026.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金:双离子嵌入型杂化电容去离子电极的设计、制备及性能调控(2019.01-2022.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金:熵差脱盐电池及其内在工作机理的研究(2014.01-2017.12)

4. 宁夏自然科学基金(优秀青年项目):光致脱盐研究(2022.01-2025.12)

5. 宁夏重点研发项目:磷掺杂碳基材料的制备及其储能特性研究(2020.10-2022.10)

6. 宁夏重点研发项目:大功率锂电池硅基负极的制备与性能调控(2018.01-2020.12)


1. “Membrane Enhanced Deionization Capacitor Device”, Zhuo Sun, Likun Pan,Haibo Li, Yi Sun, America patent, No.2013015426

2. 一种高效率节能型膈膜电容去离子装置,孙卓,潘立坤,高阳,李海波,中国专利,2012年,专利号:ZL200810040737.0.

3. 电容去离子装置壳体和电容去离子装置及方法,李海波,梁森,马玉龙,牛芮,中国专利,2017年,专利号:ZL201510912795.8

4. 电极支撑框和电极对支撑组建,李海波,中国发明专利,2018年,专利号:ZL201610134017.5

5. 电容去离子装置、系统和电容去离子方法,李海波,中国发明专利,2019年,专利号:ZL201610133958.4

6. 电容脱盐电极及其制备方法,李海波,岳智帅,中国发明专利,2020年,专利号:ZL201810252823.1

7. 镁还原二氧化硅密封容器,李海波,张泽豪,实用新型专利,2020年,专利号:ZL202020176694.5


1、Selective interfacial excited-state carrier dynamics and efficient charge separation in borophene-based heterostructures,Yuchong Kang, Kun Yang, Jing Fu, Zongguo Wang, Xuao Li, Zhiqiang Lu, Jia Zhang,Haibo Li*,Jin Zhang*,Wei Ma*,Advanced Materials, 2023, 2307591

2、Exploration of the exceptional capacitive deionization performance of CoMn2O4microspheres electrode, Zhenzhen Liu,Haibo Li*,Energy & Environmental Materials,6(2023) e12255

3、Self-Assembled 2D VS2/Ti3C2TxMXene nanostructures with ultrafast kinetics for superior electrochemical sodium-ion storage,Pin Ma*,Zehao Zhang, Jian Wang,Haibo Li*,Hui-Ying Yang*,Yumeng Shi*,Advanced Sciences,2023, 2304465

4、A data-driven interpretable method to predict capacities of metal ion doped TiO2anode materials for lithium-ion batteries using machine learning classifiers, Mingxi Jiang, Yajuan Zhang, Zihao Yang,Haibo Li*,Jinliang Li*,Jiabao Li*, Ting Lu, Chenglong Wang, Guang Yang,Likun Pan*,Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,10 (2023) 6646

5、Graphdiyne and its composites for lithium-ion and hydrogen storage, Kun Yang, Yuchong Kang, Xuao Li, Xiaoyun Ma, Xiaoxue Wang, Zhiqiang Lu,Haibo Li*,Wei Ma*, Likun Pan*, Chemistry: A European Journal,29 (2023) e202301722 (Invited Review Article)

6、Hierarchical structured Cu@carbon/carbon cloth film with high levels of light absorption for efficient solar thermal desalination, Chao Xu,Haibo Li*,Environ. Sci.: Nano, 10 (2023) 2324

7、Cationic segregation of Ca2Mn3O8enabling high selectivity for fluoride ions through capacitive deionization, Wei Wang,Pin Ma*,Haibo Li*,Desalination,564 (2023) 116798

8、Exploration of the lithium ions storage performance and mechanism of ZrN@reduced graphene oxide composite, Zehao Zhang, Xiang Liu,Youjun Lu*,Haibo Li*,Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 959 (2023) 170448

9、Minimizing the volume expansion by a self-standing reduced graphene oxide/silicon nanoparticles/copper mesh hybrid electrodes for enhanced lithium-ion batteries, Yuan Yuan,Haibo Li*,Journal of Energy Storage, 64 (2023) 107202

10、The origin of selective electro-adsorption of cations by few-layered 2D MXene electrode, Zehao Zhang, Zheng Wang,Haibo Li*,Desalination,548 (2023) 116295

11、Towards the enhanced lithium-ion batteries by designing (N, Co, Zr, P) tetra-doped porous carbon anode, Huibin Jin, Zehao Zhang, Guolin Feng,Haibo Li*,ChemElectroChem, 2023, e202300513

12、Achieving high Li+diffusion in reduced graphene oxide/NaTi2(PO4)3heterostructures for enhanced lithium ions storage, Yaxuan He,Haibo Li*,Journal of Materials Science,58 (2023) 4541-4551

13、Enhancing solar absorbance using a 2D graphene oxide/CuO composite film for efficient solar desalination, Chao Xu,Haibo Li*,Environ. Sci.: Water Research & Technology, 9 (2023) 523–532

14、The electrosorption behavior of shuttle-like FeP: performance and mechanism, Gengen Peng,Haibo Li*, RSC Advances, 13 (2023) 10029-10034

15、Spinel flowered-shaped MnCo2O4nanocrystals for highly efficientcapacitive desalination,Haibo Li*, Gengen Peng , Wei Wang , Zehao Zhang,Materials Letters,326 (2022) 132970

16、Creating porous texture on Ti3C2Txfor enhancedsodium-ion battery anode,Kailiang Ming, Zehao Zhang andHaibo Li*,Journal of Materials Science,2022,57, 14959-14968

17、Templated synthesis of 2D TiO2nanoflakes fordurable lithium ion batteries,Yaxuan He andHaibo Li*,New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 16260-16264

18、Enabling the fast sodium ions diffusion by constructing reduced grapheneoxide/TiO2/MXenes tandem architecture for durable sodium ions battery,Yaxuan He, Zehao Zhang, Kailiang Ming, Yongtao Tan,Haibo Li*,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 922, 116771

19、In situ preparation of an anatase/rutile-TiO2/Ti3C2Txhybrid electrode for durable sodium ionbatteries,Yang Song, Yuchong Kang,Wei Ma*andHaibo Li*,RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 12219

20、Porous engineering of CoS2/N-doped carbon polyhedra anode for durable lithium-ion battery,Zehao Zhang, Jingyu Chen andHaibo Li*,Nanotechnology33 (2022) 505401

21、In situ growth of CoO nanosheets on a carbon fiber derived from corn cellulose as an advanced hybrid anode for lithium-ion batteries,Yuan Yuan andHaibo Li*,New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 18664–18670(Front Cover Paper)

22、Reconfiguring the interface charge of Co@Carbon polyhedron for enhanced capacitive deionization,Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Chemical Engineering Journal447 (2022) 137438

23、Insights into the enhanced Lithium-Ion storage performance of CoSx/Carbon polyhedron hybrid anode,Jingyu Chen, Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry911 (2022) 116203

24、In situ growth of NaTiO2nanotubes on Ti3C2Fxfor enhanced sodium ion batteries,Kailiang Ming, Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Materials Letters309 (2022) 131457

25、Highly efficient capacitive deionization enabled by NiCo4MnO8.5Electrodes,Wei Wang, Zhenzhen Liu, Zehao Zhang, andHaibo Li*,Global Challenges, 2022, 6, 2100095

26、Enhancing the Li+diffusion in Li3VO4by coupling with reduced graphene oxide for lithium-ion batteries,MingxuanGuo, andHaibo Li*,Current Nanoscience, 2022, 18, 61-67

27、Engineering of porous graphene oxide membranes for solar steam generation with improved efficiency, Chao Xu andHaibo Li*,Environ. Sci.: Water Research & Technology, 2022, 8, 249–256(Front Cover Paper)

28、Wei Si,Haibo Li*,Understanding theenhancedcapacitivedesalinationperformance ofspherical ZnCo2O4electrode,Advanced Materials Interfaces,2021, 2100125,(Outside FrontCover Paper)

29、Zehao Zhang, Qiuzhi Huang, Wei Ma,Haibo Li*,Interfacial engineering of polyhedral carbon@hollowed carbon@SiO2nanobox with tunable structure for enhanced lithium-ion battery,Applied Surface Science,2021,538(1): 148039

30、Wei Si,Zhenzhen Liu, Zehao Zhang, Wenxin Ji andHaibo Li,Engineering of 3D NaxCoO2nanostructures forenhanced capacitive deionization: performanceand mechanism,EnvironmentalScience: Nano,2021, 8:657-665,(Inside FrontCover Paper)

31、Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Promoting the uptake of chloride ions by ZnCo-Cllayered double hydroxide electrodes for enhancedcapacitive deionization,EnvironmentalScience: Nano,2021, 8:1886-1895(Outside FrontCover Paper)

32、Zhengyao Sun, Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Templated synthesis of nano-LiCoO2cathode for lithium-Ion batteries with enhanced rate capability,Materials Letters,2021,303:130570

33、Youjun Lu*, Yingjie Du andHaibo Li*,Template-sacrificingsynthesis ofNi-Colayereddoublehydroxidespolyhedron asadvancedanode forlithiumionsbattery,Frontiers in Chemistry,2021, 8: 581653

34、席文,李海波*,TiO2/Ti3C2Tx复合材料的制备及其杂化电容脱盐特性的研究,无机材料学报,2021, 36(3): 284-291

35、Zhenzhen Liu,Xu Shang,Haibo Li*,Yong Liu*,Abriefreview onhighperformancecapacitivedeionizationenabled byintercalationelectrodes,Global Challenge,2021, 5(1):2000054

36、XuShang,ZhenzhenLiu,WenxinJi,HaiboLi*,Synthesis of lithium vanadate/reduced graphene oxide with strong coupling for enhanced capacitive extraction of lithium ions,Separation and Purifications Technology, 2021, 262: 118294

37、Zhuo Chen,Haibo Li*,A novel phosphatizing strategy to engineering CoO/Co1.94P@carbon polyhedron heterostructures for enhanced lithium-ion battery,Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(4): 3346-3353

38、Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Designing hollowed carbon@Si cubic nanobox@reduced graphene oxide nanostructures for lithiumion battery with high capacity and long cyclic stability,FunctionalMaterialsLetters, 2020, 13(8): 2050042-9(Cover Paper)

39、Yingjie Du, Wei Ma,Haibo Li*,In-situ Growth of CoP3/Carbon Polyhedron/CoO/NF Nano-arrays as Binder-free Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries with Enhanced Specific Capacity,Small,2020, 16: 1907468-8.(BackCover Paper)

40、Haibo Li*, ZhuoChen, A facile strategy to prepare NiCoP nanoparticles wrapped in nitrogen doped porous carbon spheres for high-performance lithium-ion battery,Materials Letters, 2020, 269: 127648

41、Wen Xi,Haibo Li*,Vertically-aligned growth of CuAl-layered double oxides on reduced graphene oxide for hybrid capacitive deionization with superior performance.EnvironmentalScience: Nano,2020,7: 764(Inside FrontCover Paper)

42、Zhuo Chen,Haibo Li*, The improved anode performance enabled by Ni2P@C embedded in echinus-like porous carbon for lithium-ion battery,Nanotechnology, 2020,31(2020), 515405 (6 pp)

43、Zhenzhen Liu, Wei Ma,Haibo Li*,Elucidating the capacitive desalination behavior of NaxCoO2: the significance ofelectrochemical pre-activation,Nanoscale, 2020,12: 7586-7894(BackCover Paper)

44、Zehao Zhang,Haibo Li*,Sequential-template synthesis of hollowed carbon polyhedron@SiC@Si forlithium-ion battery with high capacity and electrochemical stability.Applied Surface Science,514 (2020) 145920

45、Zhuo Chen,Haibo Li*,The lithium ions storage behavior of heteroatom-mediated echinus-like porous carbon spheres: From co-doping to multi-atom doping.Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 567 (2020) 54–64

46、Zhenzhen Liu,Wen Xi,Haibo Li*,The feasibility of hollow echinus-like NiCo2O4nanocrystals for hybrid capacitive deionization.EnvironmentalScience: WaterResearch& Technology,2020, 6, 283-289

47、Zehao Zhang, Yingjie Du,Haibo Li*,Engineering of a bowl-like Si@rGO architecture for an improved lithium-ion battery via a synergistic effect.Nanotechnology,31 (2020) 095402 (7pp)

48、Qi Feng, Yingjie Du,Sen Liang*,Haibo Li*,Reduced graphene oxide supported quasitwo-dimensional ZnCo2O4nanosheets forlithium-ion batteries with highelectrochemical stability.Nanotechnology,31 (2020) 045402 (9pp)

49、Zhenzhen Liu, Zhishuai Yue,Haibo Li*,Na0.71CoO2promoted sodium uptake via faradaic reaction for highly efficient capacitive deionization.Separation and Purification Technology, 234 (2020) 116090.

50、Wen Xi,Haibo Li*,Pseudo-capacitive deionization behaviour of CuAl-mixed metaloxides,EnvironmentalScience: WaterResearch& Technology,2020, 6, 296(FrontCover Paper)

51、Yuan Meng,Haibo Li*,Improving the water transpiration in a solar steam generation device.Water Supply,20(2020)59-64

52、Tie Gao, Zhenzhen Liu,Haibo Li*,Heteroatom doping modified hierarchical mesoporous carbon derived fromZIF-8 for capacitive deionization with enhanced salt removal rate.Separation and Purification Technology, 231 (2020) 115918.

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