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2012.07-2016.08,永利集团光伏材料重点实验室, 讲师

2016.09-2022.11,304am永利集团, 副教授

2022.12-至今,304am永利集团, 研究员







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:提高NTC热敏材料电学性能一致性主动调控机理研究(2024.01-2027.12)

2. 宁夏自然基金:二氧化钒智能材料相变温度提高及性能优化(2020.6-2022.7,主持)

3. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:微结构调控提高NTC材料热敏性能研究(2019.1-2022.12,主持)

4. “西部之光”:高灵敏温度敏感材料的制备及性能研究(2018.1-2020.12,主持)

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:负温度系数纳米热敏薄膜小尺寸效应及老化机理研究(2013.1-2016.12,主持)

6. 宁夏自然基金重点:太阳能热水器用SiO2基隔热材料纳米孔形成机理研究,2013.10-2016.10,主持)

7. 企业委托项目:共沉淀法制备NTC热敏材料,提高NTC热敏材料电学性能均一性关键技术,粉煤灰制备无机纤维关键技术等




1. 梁森,崔苗苗,张笑,袁羽,李海波,高忙忙.纳米NTC热敏材料的制备方法[P].专利号:ZL201711461095.7

2. 梁森,罗民,任瑞博,赵亮等.玻璃纤维定向增强的纳米二氧化硅隔热材料及其制备方法[P].专利号:ZL201510062165.6

3. 张笑,李开云,梁森,杨洋等.高电导率β”-Al2O3陶瓷电解质的制备方法[P].专利号:ZL202010476855.7

4. 杨建锋,梁森,柯高潮,胡志英,张笑,王波,乔冠军.具有电阻突变性的复合高分子薄膜材料的制备方法[P] .申请号:200910219242.

5. 高积强,梁森,杨建锋,罗明,杨武,柯高潮.临界负温度系数热敏电阻陶瓷材料及其合成方法[P].专利号:ZL2007100177124.


(1)Ma M, Wei K, Wu R, Liang S, Zhang X. Low-temperature synthesis of α-Al2O3 powder aided by ball milling and a trace amount of sodium chloride. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2023.

(2)Cui J, Jiang Q, Wang N, Liang S. Regulating the phase transition temperature of VO2 films via the combination of doping and strain methods. Aip Advances 2023, 13(5).24. Zhang X, Chu W, Bai H, Liang S*. LaAlO3: a new high-temperature negative temperature coefficient thermistor. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 2022, 33(15): 12093-12103.2.

(3)Ma M, Li K, Yang Y, Zhang X, Liang S*. Preparation of Oriented Beta"-Al2O3 Electrolytes by Freeze-Drying and Study of their Morphology Dependence. Journal of Electronic Materials 2022, 51(7): 3727-3735.

(4)Li K, Ma M, Yang Y, Liang S*, Zhang X*. Preparation of β"-Al2O3 electrolytes by freeze-drying and SPS.Ceramics International 2021, 47(11): 15017-15022.

(5)Huang R, Li X*, Gao W, Zhang X, Liang S*, Luo M. Recent advances in photocatalytic nitrogen fixation: from active sites to ammonia quantification methods. Rsc Advances 2021, 11(24).

(6)Wang L, Hao Y-Q, Ma W*, Liang S*. Improving phase transition temperature of VO2 via Ge doping: a combined experimental and theoretical study. Rare Metals 2021.

(7)Cui M-M, Zhang X, Liu K-G, Li H-B, Gao M-M, Liang S*. Fabrication of nano-grained negative temperature coefficient thermistors with high electrical stability. Rare Metals 2021, 40(4).

(8)Zhang X, Yao S, Zhao D, Liang S*. Nano-negative temperature coefficient thermistor with unique electrical properties of high B constant and low resistivity. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 2021,

32(4): 5222-5232.

(9)S. Liang, Y. Yang, K. Li, and X. Zhang, "A study on the preparation of oriented beta"-alumina ceramics using rod/flake-like boehmite as precursors and their properties," Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40[12] 4047-55 (2020).

(10)K. Li, Y. Yang, X. Zhang, and S. Liang*, "Highly oriented beta ''-alumina ceramics with excellent ionic conductivity and mechanical performance obtained by spark plasma sintering technique," Journal of Materials Science, 55[20] 8435-43 (2020).

(11)Q. Feng, Y. Du, S. Liang*, and H. Li*, "Reduced graphene oxide supported quasi-two-dimensional ZnCo2O4 nanosheets for lithium ion batteries with high electrochemical stability," Nanotechnology, 31[4] (2020).

(12)Liang, D. Zhao, M. Cui, H. Li, and X. Zhang, "Two-step sintering of submicro-grain Ni0.54Mn1.26Fe1.2O4 NTC ceramics with an excellent electrical performance," Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (2019).

(13)S. Liang, C. Cao, Y. Yuan, H. Li, M. Luo, M. Gao, and X. Zhang, "Hydrothermal synthesis of Zn-doped NiMn-Al-O thin films toward high-performance negative temperature coefficient thermistor," Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 29[11] 9025-32 (2018).

(14)Sen Liang, Changgong Cao, Haibo Li, Min Luo, Mangmang Gao, Xiaogan Qin.One-step synthesis of Ni-Mn -Al-O thin film on Al2O3 substrate viahydrothermal method [J], Microelectronic Engineering 182 (2017) 53–56

(15)Sen Liang, Xiao Zhang, Haibo Li, Min Luo, Mangmang Gao.Preparation of SiO2 nanocomposites with aligned distributing glass fibre using freeze-drying process[J], Processing and Application of Ceramics 11 [3] (2017) 201–205.

(16) X. Zhang,S. Liang*, H. Li, J. Yang, Mechanical and optical properties of transparent alumina obtained by rapid vacuum sintering, Ceramics International, 43 (2017) 420-426.

(17)Sen Liang, Xiao Zhang, Haibo Li,et.al. Cationic Distribution and Electrical Properties of Ni0.6Mn2Si0.4- xAlxO4(0<x<0.04) NTC Thermistor[J], Materials Science Forum, 2016,Vol.868, pp 79-83.

(18)Liang, Sen,Ren, Rui-Bo,Gao, Mang-Mang,Li, Hai-Bo,Li, Guo-Long,Li, Jin,He, Li-Jun,Luo, Min, Study on the fabrication and properties of glass fiber aligned reinforced nano SiO2 thermal insulating materials[J], Ren gong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals, v 44, p 190-193, October 1, 2015;18. Sen Liang, Min Luo, YuanyunDou,et.al. Fabrication and Electrochemical Performance of Nitrogen-doped Graphene Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method[J], Materials Science Forum, 2015,Vol.804, pp 35-38.

(19)S. Liang, X. Zhang, M. Luo, Y. Bai, J. Yang, Study of structural and electrical properties of Ni-Mn-Mg-AlO NTC thermistor thick film prepared by SAPS method, Electronic Components & Materials, 32 (2013) 26-29.

(20)Sen Liang, Xiao Zhang, Jianfeng Yang, Yu Bai. Fabrication and characterization of Ni-Mn-Si-Al-O NTC the rmistorand its application as temperature wire sensor[J]. Function Materials Letter, 2013,6(4)5. S. Liang, X. Zhang, H. Li, M. Luo, J. Li, L. He, J. Yang, FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Ni-Mn-Si-Al-O NTC THERMISTOR AND ITS APPLICATION AS TEMPERATURE WIRE SENSOR, Functional Materials Letters, 6 (2013).

(21)S. Liang, X. Zhang, M. Luo, Y. Bai, J. Yang, Study of structural and electrical properties of Ni-Mn-Mg-AlO NTC thermistor thick film prepared by SAPS method, Electronic Components & Materials, 32 (2013) 26- 29.

(22)Sen Liang,Jianfeng Yang, Xiao Zhang, Yu Bai .The thermal electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) / AgNO3 films[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 1229(2):813-818.

(23)Sen Liang, Jianfeng Yang, Xiaohong Yi,et.al. An Efficient Way to Improve the Electrical Stability of Ni0.6Si0.2Al0.6Mn1.6O4 NTC Thermistor [J].Ceramics International, 2011,37(7):2537-2541.

(24)Sen Liang, Xiao Zhang, Yu Bai, ZhiHai Han, Jianfeng Yang.Study on the preparation andelectricalproperties of NTC thick film thermistor deposited by supersonic atmospheric plasma spraying[J].Applied Surface Scie nce, 2011,257(23):9825-9829.

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